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Rumi Academy’s Vision

Ali Pajooheshgar considers spiritual awakening as the key to peace and tranquility on earth, and his vision is to offer inner well-being by going deeper into Rumi’s poems and understanding the deep meaning of Rumi’s secrets through his poems.

He has taught Rumi’s poems with music and has several projects and programs aimed at helping people to know their ultimate capacities and find hope and peace in life. Because music is a kind of meditation that helps to be in the present moment and create peace between mind and body.

Humans are an interconnected chain, and every human being can serve the universe by giving importance to the health of his body and soul and striving for the spiritual growth of himself and other humans.

He tries to teach people concepts such as hope and love by teaching Rumi’s poems, music therapy, meditation, and sports exercises, so that by removing the walls of separation from them, they can achieve love and unity, inner peace and harmony with the universe.

Each of us has our mission. When we become aware of our potential, our mind becomes healthy, and it helps the body’s health and inner peace happens. Light is added to existence, and we fulfill our mission.

Rumi Academy’s Mission

Rumi Academy is a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious organization that needs the financial support of members to achieve the goal of promoting Iranian culture and music and spreading Rumi’s message of love and unity.

We convey the words of Rumi to the hearts, which are the words of life. All human beings have and feel that flame and the potential to be ignited in their hearts. At Rumi Academy, we spread this Consciousness and provide the hook of love so that burning hearts can be at the service of life and at the service of the whole existence. At that time Rumi is present everywhere and has achieved his mission. Being Rumi has no role, name, religion or nationality, except for love, which is the whole structure of existence. It is love that creates happiness in every particle.

The work of love is to create. Love pulls your transcendent self out of you. In this way, we deal with cleanliness and health of mind and body. A mind that has reached purity respects its own rights and the rights of others and does not suffer oppression. Because he has found the characteristics of life and has love and anger in equal measure and balance. Everything that is out of balance is placed on the opposite side of existence and is less accepting of life events. The less acceptance you have, the farther you will be from life, and life will deny you the correct judgment. Rumi says that every judgment is the result of your mind and life is without judgment. If we find the vision of life, we can see the end of work.

Areas of Focus





Music / Poetry

Literature / Dance






Nazanin pajooheshgar

Co Founder

Galia Ghabrai

Co Founder

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محتوای سوال اول به عنوان پاسخ در این قسمت نوشته خواهد شد که می‌تواند شامل پاراگراف و حتی عکس و… باشد

محتوای سوال دوم به عنوان پاسخ در این قسمت نوشته خواهد شد که می‌تواند شامل پاراگراف و حتی عکس و… باشد

محتوای سوال سوم به عنوان پاسخ در این قسمت نوشته خواهد شد که می‌تواند شامل پاراگراف و حتی عکس و… باشد